Sunday, February 17, 2013

Behind The Door Shelves

  I showed my husband a shelf system from Pintrest, the web page is here. So we took a trip to the local home improvement store and bought some wood to make it.  It was a project I thought would only take one weekend but here we are on the second weekend and I think I need next weekend to put a second coat of paint on it and it will be ready to hang.

  I share this space with my husband and am limited to the "left overs".  But it seems he has been releasing more and more space for me, or maybe I am just taking over.  Any how the behind the door shelves will go here.  The picture stays there so my husband will have to work around his picture. 
Here they are, so far.  More work to do on them. and I will update this when they are hung up and add some pictures with the stamps on them.  I can't wait.

  Here is the update on my "behind the door shelves".   Just adding the final results

Completed project!!!


  1. That is hilarious that he built them around the picture. That is true sharing of space!!! You are going to have so much more room for stamps and be able to see them so that you don't buy the same one over again. LOL. Yeahhhhhh, Jake.

  2. He was willing to move the picture over an inch (thats as far as it can go) to give me another inch of shelf space. But since I was the one that hung the snake picture in the first place (for him)I told him not to worry about it. He was a good sport about it.
